Direct Composite Restorations: Fast, Easy, Predictable and Profitable!
Presenter: Dr. Jeffrey Blank, D.M.D.
Release Date: 7/19/12
Credits: 1 CEU, Free Self-Study
Expiration Date: 7/19/28
AGD Subject Code: 250
Reviewed: 2025
Current technology and materials now permit early caries detection and minimally invasive treatment protocols. However, confusion exists in when and how to intervene, proper material selection, preparation design, and adhesive and application protocols. Multiple, tedious and time consuming steps decrease patient comfort, increase the potential for post-operative problems, and destroy profitability for dentists.
Upon completion of this CE webinar, the student will be able to: Identify ideal preparations for common case presentations; be familiar with modern adhesives and clinical protocols for use; be familiar with fast and predictable placement techniques and materials; Manage interproximal contacts based on cavity form; Demonstrate ways to increase speed, simplicity, comfort, predictability and profit
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