The Use of a VPES Material as an Aid for Placement and Follow-up of Custom Prostheses
Presenter: Dr. Bob Blitzer
Release Date: 3/20/13
Credits: 1 CEU, Free Self-Study
Expiration Date: 3/20/28
AGD Subject Code: 610
Reviewed: 2025
This CE webinar will cover elastomeric materials based on Vinyl Polyether Siloxane. The unique properties of these materials allow for expanded use for fixed and removeable prostheses, occlusal registration, as well as tracking tissue changes at recall visits. Learn about how these materials make it easy to read and mark inside crowns that have metal substrate as well as all-ceramic crowns.
Upon completion of this CE webinar, the student will be able to: understand the benefits of new elastomeric materials; understand how these new materials make their clinical work easier and more predictable; identify the unique properties and how they improve clinical outcomes
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