Fiber Reinforced Composites - Their Place in Everyday Dentistry
Presenter: Dr. Lou Graham
Release Date: 10/2/23
Credits: 1 CEU, Free Self-Study
Expiration Date: 10/2/26
AGD Subject Code: 610
Reviewed: 2025
Supported with decades of research, this CE webinar dives into the enhanced value of short fiber-reinforced resin composites. What are they? These are composites, that have glass fibers placed in a variety of orientations and lengths to enhance the physical properties in load bearing areas. Do they replace your everyday composites and the answer is NO! What they do bring to the table are ways to enhance your restorations (especially endodontically treated teeth) and help reduce the risks of cracks and crack propagation.
During this CE webinar, we will review: • To post or not to post, why this unique composite can often negate the need for a post and yet is far stronger than traditional core buildups • How and why to incorporate as a base below your final surface composite • Clinical casework showing the step by steps on this must have product line
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